jacket_square Artist : MONO × MONKEY
Title : Mo-Mentous

Release Date : 2011.03.16
Format : CD
Price : 2.205yen (in tax)

3月16日、MONO × MONKEYのアルバムがリリース!

The wait is over!
MONO x MONKEY'S Long-Awaited Album,
“Mo-Mentous” will be dropped on 16 Mar'11.
Prepare yourself for
a truly special musical experience!

  1. My World
  2. Debayasi
  3. Got That(Bounce) feat. Guilty Simpson
  4. DumDum
  5. Honey Cake feat. san(antennasia)
  6. Clap!!
  7. Booty Luv feat. Luvraw & BTB
  8. Vitamin E
  9. Skit95
  10. Advance feat. MURAQMO
  11. Inline
  12. Why O Why feat. Co$$
  13. Mo-Mentous
  14. Sleigh Ride
  15. Last Beat

Mo-Mentous - MONO × MONKEY

「MONO × MONKEY」最新ビデオ公開中。

自身初のビートアルバム「Drop by Drop」リリース後、レッドブルミュージックアカデミーJAPANへ召集、
ロンドンの国営放送に取り上げられるなど着実にキャリアを重ねるMONOm.i.cと、1st Album『Substantial
12 Monkeys』で一躍脚光を浴び、Rhymestar、Coma-chiなど、話題作への楽曲提供。フランスにも招待され
ライブパフォーマンスを披露した21歳の新鋭『Monkey Sequence.19』2人ビートメイカーによる

Collaboration Project of "MONO m.i.c" & "Monkey Sequence.19".They are the young
talented Beat Makers.These 2 came together and their immeasurable passion for
HipHop created a fantastic collaboration album - "Mo-Mentous".
Guilty Simpson(Stones Throw Records),Co$$(Tres Reords), Luvraw&BTB(PPP), san(antennasia), MURAQMO(Trefoil Productions)
Peanuts Butter Wolf
"Good sense of rhythm, melody, and composition. Complex, yet not cluttered.
Good flip of the "Wordy Rappinghood" typewriter on "Honey Cake"!"

"HONEY CAKE"に入ってるWordy Rappinghood" のタイプライター音のフリップヤバいね。』

-Peanuts Butter Wolf (Stones Throw Records)
"You didn't know that Japan got the Funk?! You're not listening hard enough.
These 2 young producers from Sendai prove that good music knows no boundries or
language barriers. Big ups to MONO x MONKEY....keep rockin that shit!"

MONO × MONKEYにビガッ!これからもロックし続けてくれよな!』

-Rhettmatic (Beat Junkies/Crown Royale/Cypress Junkies)
Nik Weston
"Interesting array of electronic soundcapes with an attitude steeped in hip hop sensibilities....
particularly like the use of ''Rocking You Eternally'' sample..."

『HIP HOP感に根ざした感覚を持ちながらの、エレクトリックな世界観の配置が興味深い。
特に『Rock You Eternally』のサンプルの使い方がいいね。』

-Nik Weston (Mukatsuku Records)
Cris Backer

"Some solid fonky sh*t!"


-Cris Backer (Rush Hour Records)